Yo Pauly's New York Pizza Co. Logo

Phone: (480) 451-4400

Yo Pauly's New York Pizza Co. Logo
Yo Pauly's New York Pizza Co. Logo

Phone: (480) 451-4400

8880 E. Via Linda | NW Corner 90th St. & Via Linda | Sun-Tue: 11AM-8PM & Wed-Sat: 11AM-9PM

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Image of Brooklyn Bridge at night



Havin' a party, luncheon or big meeting? Maybe ya just got a big family dinner goin' on. Fuhgedda'boud it. We'll take care of it for you, no problem. We'll deliver it, set it up an' all you gotta do is eat. We got salads an appetizers to start. We got sammiches, pizzas an' pasta dinners ready ta go. Finish off wit' a dessert an' your set! Ask us to cater your next event an' we'll letcha have it! Take a look ►

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